
In New Zealand obesity is spreading like an epidemic, whole communities overweight or obese. Meat being consumed faster than ever before and with the growing population a growing demand. Sugar intake increasing by the week, quantities bigger than ever before. What is behind this grow in obesity and what are the effects of our greed and love of food...?

Obesity came about when the population changed to a meat based diet; before the change we ate grains, bread and vegetables. With this change came a new era of health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. The human body processes protein and iron slowly and not completely; the average american has 7 kilograms of red meat in their bladder by the age of 40, thats twelve pieces of steak!

Heart disease is major throughout the obese community, fats from the meat clog arteries with detrimental effects. If you are obese your risk of heart disease is doubled. this can be prevented if you change your diet; don't cut down on food, just eat what is good for you in good proportions

Diabetes comes from excess sugar consumption, high blood sugar and low blood sugar both are bad for the body. Endless prescription medication, diets with flat boring food and what for? Diabetes can also be passed down through genes; for those who don’t have a choice I feel sorry for, yet the ones who have brung it upon themselves, I feel as if its your responsibility to live with you mistakes.

Mcdonalds and other major fast food outlets depict that meat is good for you and iron is essential to our diets. Iron is but only in small quantities, those small quantities exist in vegetables. Fatty foods also contribute to heart disease and what is takeaways; fat packed food, a time bomb to explode at any minute, yet why do we still consume it?

Nobody can make you obese or not obese its how you handle your diet, exercise and overall health. You as a person can decide whether you are going to sit around feeling sorry for yourself or get out there, experience the world and live life to the full.

“Live for something or die for nothing.”
Sylvester Stallone       

                                        “Is obesity a crime against the environment?”

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